Adventure Life offers voluntourism opportunity in Ecuador

Increasingly, adventure travelers are opting for volunteer travel opportunities, and Adventure Life's new Cotopaxi group service project in Ecuador provides a great example of a volunteer vacation. Adventure Life CEO Brian Morgan contributed a guest blog post for summarizing this South America volunteer trip.Morgan writes:Travelers experience an Ecuadorian adventure and volunteer for conservation at the same time, combining mountain biking with replacing national park signs, and zip-lining with trail maintenance. For five days, give back to the area you're getting to know, the Cotopaxi National Park and the Condor Biosphere, a 5.4-million acre conservation project. I just visited these locations, and let me tell you, it is like paradise.The trip begins with a horseback ride among herds of wild horses and bulls to the foothills of Rumiñahui Volcano. The ride serves as an introduction to the Andean paramo. Along the way, native guides give lessons on local medicinal plants. And as part of a forest reforestation initiative, volunteers plant trees around Hacienda El Porvenir, the group's base for three nights. The goal of the initiative is to plant one million new trees, and nearly 200,000 have already been planted.

This Ecuadorian voluntourism adventure lasts five days. The cost of the trip per person is $930.Adventure Life is an adventure travel company based in Missoula, Montana, that specializes in small-group tours to Central and South America.Volunteers paint signs for Cotopaxi National Park.

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