Adventure Life reviews ways to prevent altitude sickness

Beth Conway, marketing director for Adventure Life, has provided a guest blog for about ways to prevent altitude sickness. She writes:Soroche, acute mountain sickness, altitude sickness—whatever you call it, it does not discriminate. The fact is, the higher you go above sea level, the thinner the oxygen in your blood becomes. By 10,000 feet, oxygen levels have gone from roughly 98 percent saturation to 89 percent. This catches many travelers off-guard; young, old, man, woman, fit, or not—anyone is potentially at risk.One of the best ways to prevent altitude sickness is to take your time. Conway says travelers should take it easy for a few days at the higher altitude, which allows their bodies to acclimatize. When travelers start ascending, they should try to keep their rise in elevation to about 1,000 feet per day.But if you’re hiking high passes or flying into high-altitude cities like Cusco, Peru, or La Paz, Bolivia, a slow ascend isn’t always an option. If this is the case, drink lots of water, take it easy, and consider a medication.To read more of the Adventure Life review on how to prevent altitude sickness, check out's Travel Blog.Adventure Life is a small-group ecotour company based out of Missoula, Montana, that specializes in Central and South America adventure travel. Adventure Life’s trips explore local culture, ecology and life from remote villages, to bustling city markets, to the wildest jungles and mountains.Altitude sickness(diloz,flickr)


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