Ciclismo Classico's Pantanal Photography Tour Featured on GoNomad

Ciclismo Classico's Pantanal Safari tour is an extraordinary opportunity to explore and photograph what the giant Brazilian wilderness has to offer. Along with a great chance at seeing a few jaguars, guests can expect to hike the local jungles, fish for piranhas, canoe the Rio Clarinho, and lodge in authentic fazendas, which are "extremely clean" and serve "fantastic" food.Shannon Broderick of GoNomad, writes, "While the first few days are spent becoming acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Pantanal region, the tour heads into the Meetings of the Waters park on day six, where there is a "tremendous opportunity" to see Jaguars. Photographers spend two days searching for the best shot of the elusive jaguar, as well as capturing other exotic animals, including Howler monkeys, Giant Anteaters, Tapirs, caimans--possibly anacondas, as well!"Although this tour is geared towards keen photographers, Lauren Hefferon, Director and Founder of tour company Ciclismo Classico, welcomes "any level of skill".Read more about the tour here.pantanal_edited 


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