The Cycling House Winter Training Camps featured

The New York Times and the Boston Globe recently wrote about the winter training camps for cyclists and triathletes put on by The Cycling House.The Boston Globe story focused on the new winter training camps in Solvang, California by The Cycling HouseThe New York Times story included news of the new cycling camps in California while also talking about the company's winter training camps in Tucson, Arizona.For the 2014/2015 winter season, The Cycling House is offering 13 weeks of winter training camps in Tucson, Arizona and two weeks of camps in Solvang, California. The Cycling House camps are ideal for endurance cyclists and triathletes looking to get away from cold winter climates for a few days. Camps are 6 days/5 nights with 45 – 80 miles of guided riding per day, chef-prepared meals, opportunities to run and swim, and plenty of time to relax and recover. Prices start at $1795. To learn more visit or call 406-219-1318.winter training camps for cyclists and triathletes


Wheelhaus in Chicago Tribune and Boston Globe


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