Everett Potter's Travel Report Spotlights MIR Corporation

Everett Potter’s Travel Report recently published an article titled, “Glorious Russia”, which describes a Russian vacation guided by Sublime client MIR Corporation. The author describes in detail the sights, sounds and tastes of her unforgettable trip. She stresses from the outset the necessity for a guide on a trip like this, which MIR Corp is more than happy to arrange.In both cities, you need, not want, someone who helps you beat the crowds so you can see works of art before (or after) the tour buses land; someone who can whisk you to the rooms in the Hermitage you most want to see... Lots can go wrong, and will, without savvy guides.” From five-star hotels, to indescribable artistic and cultural experiences, to the best vodka on planet earth, a Russian adventure with MIR Corporation’s expertise on hand, has proven again to truly be one-of-a-kind.russian building


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