Field & Stream Features CFI Global's Top Ten Trout Fishing Tips

CFI Global Fisheries Management was recently profiled in the country’s leading outdoor magazine Field & Stream.CFI founder and president Shannon Skelton with his staff of  hydrologists, biologists and ecologists has worked on stream restoration projects around the globe and shares all his trade secrets about rehabilitating trout streams, and how to find the perfect rivers to fish, in the May issue of Field & Stream.Create a hospitable environment, and the trout will take care of themselves. Skelton told Field & Stream writer Jeff Hull that “fish are the end product of habitat enhancement.”Skelton continues on to share his top ten trout fishing tips, so listen up and get ready for a great summer of fishing!

  1. Diverse macro-invertebrate populations: The more bugs the better! Don’t just look on the surface. According to Skelton the forage is on the bottom and in the drift.
  2. Even riffle-pool ratio: One pool per section of riffle is ideal. If there is a section of riffle with a primary and secondary pool following, cast in the first one!
  3. Fish diversity: A variety of species is healthy for the perfect stream. Use streamers to lure trout that might not actively be feeding at the time.
  4. Stream stability: Target sections of stream flowing over sedimentary rock and banks lush with native vegetation which keep macro-invertebrates fed and water PH close to neutral.
  5. Shallow riffles: Fish downstream from large sections of riffles that are less than a foot deep. A 6-12 inch deep pool of water adjacent to the riffle is a perfect feeding ground for trout.
  6. The right temperature range: Carry a stream thermometer and use it often as different sections of stream vary in temperature. Trout and their favorite bugs thrive in a temperature range between 52 and 66 degrees.
  7. Varied substrate: Look for a section with a good mix of substrate, such as small gravel, larger cobbles and big rocks.
  8. Structural diversity: Look for snags, sweepers, boulders, undercut banks, overhanging grass and the like, which create a variety of flow patterns and currents.
  9. Fishable habitat: Wade or cross the stream to accurately cast into tight cover that’s hard to reach.
  10. Proper channel form: Look for streams that curve and vary in shape, width and depth.



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