Florida ranch listed by Hall and Hall lands cover of The Land Report

Escape Ranch, a 13,952-acre ranch listed for $35 million by Bill McDavid of Hall and Hall and Brad Scherer of Atlantic Western Realty Corporation, is featured on the cover of the summer 2010 issue of The Land Report.The ranch has a conservation easement to protect the land from development. Other conservation measures have been taken to maintain wild bird habitat.As for the world-class bird hunting, Orrin Ingram tells writer Eric O'Keefe:"You really have to respect and protect wild birds because there are only so many times you can get them to flush. After that, when they hear you coming, they're going to be gone."Hall and Hall specializes in ranch real estate and ownership, focusing on land stewardship and a long-term land ethic.hh_thelandreport_summer2010_web_cover1hh_thelandreport_summer2010_web_forthebirds_3hh_thelandreport_summer2010_web_forthebirds_4


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Scenic Paradise Valley ranch on market