Hall and Hall Featured in WORTH Article "How to Buy a Ranch"

Long-time Hall and Hall partner, Jim Taylor, is quoted throughout a great WORTH magazine article titled, "How to Buy a Ranch".An excerpt reads:"Class-A ranches—those in the best locations, with profitable cattle operations and wildlife habitat—weathered the financial crisis and recovered quickly, says James H. Taylor, managing partner at Hall and Hall, a national ranch and farmland broker. The reasons: rising commodity prices, a limited supply of properties and deep-pocketed owners. “There’s nothing that drives them to sell in a down market,” Taylor says."Jim came to Hall and Hall in 1972 as one of only two ranch partners. Even then, he was convinced that investment in the unique landscapes of the Rocky Mountain West would appeal to a national and even international clientele. Since then, he and a growing number of co-owners and partners in multiple offices throughout the region have built Hall and Hall into what is arguably the largest ranch real estate firm in the world specializing in the financing, sale and management of the “investment-quality rural real estate” of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains and increasingly throughout the world.


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