Men's Journal: MIR Corporation's North Korea Tour Among Craziest Adventure Trips on Earth

In a recent Men’s Journal article titled, “The Craziest Adventure trips on Earth”, MIR Corporation’s new North Korea tour was a shoe-in. MIR Corporation has long been guiding adventurous travelers in to some of the most off-limits destinations on earth. Naturally, a trip to the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea (DPRNK) was on their docket. In explaining the tricky territory for the seasoned travel outfitter, the article reads: “The country's total international arrivals – not counting Chinese – number fewer than 6,000 most years; even so, North Korea's leaders have long made encouraging tourism a priority. This is the paradox in which the MIR Corporation now operates.” Regardless of your views on traveling to such a controversial nation, the article insightfully recognizes that “interacting with a truly foreign culture is always a worthwhile experience, even under the watchful eye of a government minder.”


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In Blue Handmade Story Featured in March 2015 Issue of Southern Living