The Ranch Club is featured in Golfweek magazine

The June 7 issue of Golfweek magazine includes a travel story about golf in western Montana. From West Yellowstone to Eureka, the writer traveled nearly a thousand miles across Western Montana in search of the region’s best golf.Of the trip the writer said, “Montana is more of an adventure, with golf just one of the many outdoor pursuits along the way.”One of the courses highlighted is the Missoula golf community, The Ranch Club.About this Missoula golf course the writer said, “…a rolling heartland layout with fairways framed by golden native grasses, forever views of the surrounding mountains and a ranch-style clubhouse, restaurant, fitness facility and events barn that nicely represent the Montana motif.”After surviving a Saturday night microbrew pub crawl on bike, the writer dubbed Missoula a “highly appealing and surprisingly temperate college town.”Western Montana golfMissoula golf community


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