New York Times Q&A with Founder of Big Chill Adventures

We couldn't be happier about our client Dr. Sarah Aciego, founder of Big Chill Adventures, being profiled by The New York Times.An excerpt reads:"Growing up in New Hampshire, Sarah Aciego, 38, wanted to escape the cold, so she began her career as a scientist studying volcanoes. But when a research project sent her to Antarctica, she “fell in love with a whole different cold, a whole different kind of ice” and switched tracks completely.Combining her interest in chemistry, volcanoes and ice, Ms. Aciego has led expeditions to Alaska, Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland, Wyoming and the Canadian Rockies. She also started Big Chill Adventures, which introduces small groups to glaciers, icebergs, dog sledding and Arctic wildlife in weeklong photo-hiking tours."Big Chill Adventures, Sarah Aciego


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