NY Times features Frontiers Travel's Venezuela bonefishing adventure

Sam Sifton, the restaurant critic for The New York Times, wrote a great feature story about his recent fishing trip to Los Roques national park in Venezuela, an archipelago of coral, mangrove and sand that lies less than 100 miles north of Caracas in the Caribbean Sea.Sifton highlights Frontiers Travel as the company to use when booking a fly fishing trip to Venezuela, and paints an excellent word picture of his experiences."Some anglers come to Los Roques simply to walk the beaches of Gran Roque and cast to the resident bonefish that cruise the shoreline amid skiffs and workboats, growing fat on baitfish. It is rare to end a day without the sight of a sunburned Argentine or adventure-tanned Dutchman double-hauling a fly rod from the town dock at dusk, a can of Solera beer at his feet and a pelican flapping before him."To read the story in its entirety, click here.If you're looking to find flats fishing variety to go along with epic bonefishing, but you don't want to travel halfway around the globe to find it, you should consider Pez Raton Lodge on the tiny little island of Los Roques, 80 miles off the mainland of Venezuela.


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