Frontiers International Travel Ponoi River Fishing Tour Profiled by New York Times

Over the last decade, the Ponoi River  has grown from an unknown to being recognized as one of the great Atlantic salmon rivers in the world. It provides Atlantic salmon fishing in two of its purest forms: almost all floating line fishing-and excellent opportunities to fish skated dry flies. The Ponoi experience doesn't just relate to the number of fish, but the esthetics of the fishing, the ambiance of the camp, and the quality of a wilderness experience are truly off the charts.The New York Times profiled Frontiers' Ponoi River tour in last Sunday's paper. The article, "A Haven for Salmon, and for Salmon Fishers," detailed the author's unforgettable experience at Rayabaga Camp on the Ponoi. An excerpt from the story reads:Mollie Fitzgerald, a co-owner of Frontiers International Travel in Gibsonia, Pa., said: “Neophyte fly anglers do not gravitate toward Atlantic salmon fishing. That’s because on most salmon rivers, a week’s fishing may be about one great fish hooked. And that can be frustrating. On the Ponoi, even a first-time fly fisherman can get great rewards. There are rivers with bigger fish and a few that have similarly strong catch rates, but for consistent fishing over a long season, nothing compares to the Ponoi. We’ve been sending anglers there since the camp opened in the early ’90s, and catch rates have steadily improved with the cessation of commercial fishing at the mouth and focused catch-and-release efforts.”To read the entire story click the photo below.

ponoi river fishing, frontiers travel


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