Ciclismo Classico Sardinia Bike Tour in New York Times

We were thrilled to see not one, but TWO Ciclismo Classico bike tours written about in The New York Times last week.  Nothing beats a little ink  from "The Gray Lady".  Ciclismo's Sardinia bike tour with Chef Jody Adams and brand new Belgium Beer tour got the love. An excerpt reads:"Riders on the tour obviously will be stopping for a few samples along the way, from vineyards, olive groves, markets and local restaurants. But they will also visit some of the island’s historic sites, like mining towns, ancient Phoenician and Roman settlements and archaeological dig sites. The first trip runs Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, at a starting rate of $5,395. A second new tour this year turns to Belgian beer for inspiration. Though neither bike tours nor beer-drinking are revolutionary in the country (it produces more than a thousand different beers each year and biking is the national sport, after all), this trip focuses on boutique establishments like the Brasserie d’Orval, one of the last remaining breweries of the Trappist monks."3


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