Parana River Delta Lodge Fishing Adventure Featured in Financial Times

A Financial Times story recently featured Frontiers' Delta Lodge fishing adventure. The Delta program is a little known golden dorado resource minutes from downtown Buenos Aires along the Parana River Delta. Long time dorado expert, Noel Pollak, has established one of the most unique fishing excursions in Argentina.Delta Lodge fishing adventureAn excerpt reads:Together we rode for 20 minutes down wide boulevards of water lined with homes on stilts. Pollak turned, then turned again, the homes grew fewer and farther apart. The streets of water grew tighter, until he turned into tight alleys scarcely wider than the boat. Soon we were alone. Pollak had a GPS but didn’t need it. He knew this place. The alley was lined with water lilies. Branches hung overhead.To fool a dorado to the surface, a fly fisherman tosses a heavy fly that looks like a minnow, then retrieves it to the boat in quick, jerky “strips” that mimic a big fish’s wounded dinner.


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