Sporting Classics raves about HomeWaters' Colorado fly-fishing

Sporting Classics' Michael Pearce took a fly-fishing trip to Colorado to sample the 35 miles of river reserved for HomeWaters Club members and couldn't have been more satisfied with the experience.Eighteen-inch rainbow trout and 20-inch cutthroat, as well as many smaller fish eager to chase flies, made Pearce wish he had more time at HomeWaters' Colorado location.In the September/October 2010 issue of Sporting Classics, Pearce writes:Anglers on HomeWaters streams are accompanied by full-time, professional fly-fishers who are passionate about the sport. Rather than providing regular fishing hours, the guide may suggest four hours at dawn and another four toward dusk, on different rivers, to get clients into distinctly different hatches.Anglers to whom size and challenge matter more than anything may be taken to a remote lake where submarine-sized 'bows and browns cruise near the surface to inhale tiny flies on miniscule tippets.For those who want easier angling and lots of fish, such as a member introducing a guest or grandchild to the sport, the guides will lead them to can't-miss holes, where they'll show a mother's patience with tangled lines and missed fish.While these 35 miles of the best fly-fishing in Colorado are open exclusively to HomeWaters members, the club does offer three- to six-day fishing trips for non-members who would like to sample HomeWaters' offerings. HomeWaters also has a location in Spruce Creek, Pennsylvania, which features the Lefty Kreh Flyfishing Challenge Course and HomeWaters University.For Pearce's full HomeWaters fly-fishing account in Sporting Classics, click here and start reading at page 60.hwc_sportingclassics_sept-oct2010_cover_web


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