The Ranch Club menu heralded as comfort food with a twist

In a story in the Missoulian, writer Lori Grannis calls the menu at The Ranch Club restaurant "Comfort Food With a Twist". The article begins:Like all good chefs, whose influences are an amalgam of kitchen culture and life experience, Ranch Club executive chef Jason Lovell takes his cues from the people and places in his life. Places like Atlanta, Ga., Yellowstone, Arlee, and people like Anthony Bourdain and his caustically humorous musings. But this small-town Georgian's Southern upbringing rises like cream to the top.The restaurant at The Ranch Club, the premiere family-friendly Missoula golf community, is now serving its new spring 2010 menu. A couple head-turners on the menu include the Grilled Emu Filet and the Chickpea Cakes. The Ranch Club restaurant is open-to-all; serving dinner from 5 to 10 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday with last seating at 9.30 p.m. Reservations are not required, but recommended. Call today to reserve your table at 406-532-1019.Acknowledged as one of the best Missoula restaurants; The Ranch Club’s menu changes seasonally to offer the freshest ingredients and compelling variety.The Ranch Club also offers the most extensive Missoula wine list with varieties from the region, the country and around the world.trc_missoulian_6-03-10-1


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