Trans-Siberian travel into the heart of Russia

travel to Russia, cultural travel, Trans-Siberian travel, Silk Road tour, going to Russia“Considered one of the greatest train journeys in the world, the Trans-Siberian railway is a voyage into the heart and soul of Mother Russia.”This quote came from the beginning of a recent article by Susannah Palk of CNN about travel to Russia.“Longer than the Great Wall of China and America's historic Route 66, the 9,300 km track snakes its away across Russia, connecting Moscow to the far eastern port town of Vladivostok.”Palk continues, “While highlights include scenes of astounding natural beauty including the UNESCO World Heritage site of Lake Baikal -- the world’s oldest and deepest freshwater lake -- the real stars of the journey are the Russian people, according to Robert Reid, U.S. travel editor of Lonely Planet.”MIR Corporation, a cultural travel company with 25 years of experience designing and leading small group, private train, and custom journeys to Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, agrees wholeheartedly. MIR was founded in the 80s during the height of the cold war by a USA Volleyball player who played in USSR and was taken by the warmth and hospitality of the people and wanted to share his experience with other Americans. Today, MIR has carefully designed all of their tours to maximize people-to-people interactions. Whether you are interested in Trans-Siberian travel or a Silk Road tour, MIR has a large number of customizable trips that will provide you with an authentic, memorable experience.Interested in going to Russia? Check out MIR’s website for more information about small group, private train, and custom journeys to Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.


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