OceanHome blog interviews Frontiers CEO on winter travel trends

Frontiers Elegant Journeys CEO Mollie Fitzgerald shared her expert opinion on winter travel trends with OceanHome magazine's food and travel blog.Fitzgerald, also co-owner of adventure travel company Frontiers Travel, told Lisa Rogak:There is definitely pent-up demand for travel. People seem to be planning a little further ahead than last year, when the holiday calls came in during November. It’s as if the minute Labor Day was behind us everyone started thinking about that week between Christmas. Also, people want something different, perceived to be more exotic and less resort-y.Mexico is still suffering from all the bad PR about security and occupancy levels are down, so many resorts are relaxing minimum-stay requirements over the busy holiday period. Certainly, the best values are in Mexico. Also, the air industry needs to catch up with the hospitality side — often we can get the hotel space we need during peak winter demand periods, but frustratingly, cannot get the air space to get people there.Frontiers offers adventure travel trips worldwide, including Atlantic salmon fishing, saltwater fishing, and wingshooting in Argentina. On the non-sporting side, Frontiers Elegant Journeys offers luxury trips, including cruises, photographic safaris, wine tastings and golf, to destinations all over the world.logooceanhomemagazine1


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