'Take a lesson with David Leadbetter tonight'

The new, interactive golf training system for the home, "My Personal Golf Trainer", featuring video instructions from David Leadbetter is written up in the January 2010 issue of Golf Digest magazine.College golfer and Golf Digest writer, Ashley Mayo, tried out the trainer and gave it the thumbs-up.Ashley summed it succinctly saying:"Instructor David Leadbetter and Data Design Interactive have created a video game that uses the Nintendo Wii system to teach the golf swing.Here's how it works: using the "My Personal Trainer" game ($99), swing the Wii system's gyroscopically powered MotionPlus remote as you would a golf club. The program provides on-screen information about your swing, such as swing path and clubface rotation  and why you just sliced or hooked. Cyber Dave then walks you through seven steps to a better swing, including tips to help you master the areas where you struggle. In addition to the teaching mode, you can hit balls on a range and play a round. And, if you have the Wii's Balance Board ($66), you can recieve feedback on weight shift."As the headline commands - why wait? -  "Take a lesson with David Leadbetter tonight."golf-digest-jan-2010-_2golf-digest-jan-2010-_2-copy1


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